Thursday 13 June 2013

Kyle Celebrates 50 with the Elders

On Sunday, Kyle turned the big 5 - 0! We had planned a big surprise party for him in the states, however, when our mission was moved up a month - we had to change our plans! Kyle said he would rather be serving his mission  in PR on his birthday anyhow. Thank you to all of you who sent in a message of memories, birthday wishes, and love for him. It is not too late to add yours to his binder. Just email it to

So for his birthday, the AP (assistants to the President) Elders came over to eat with us after church. One missionary, Elder Stout, sang Kyle his most favorite hymn, "A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief".  Very moving! I gave him a Puerto Rico San Juan Mission T-shirt, which he really needed because we forgot to pack him any casual clothes! And we had donuts to make him a somewhat "cake" with matches for candles. Yes, it's been tough to find a major shopping/grocery store.

The day before, Saturday the 8th, we went on a historical tour to an old sugar cane factory called, La Esperanza. It was fascinating - especially because they restored the old steam sugar cane machine so that it worked (with electricity though)! We also enjoyed getting to know the other senior missionary couples a little more. On the way home, we came to a bad accident on the freeway... slowing us down to 5 mph for the next hour or two.  A new missionary from Peru was flying in that night. When we finally got through the accident traffic, it was so late that (all 15 of us)we went directly to the airport to pick her up. Bless her heart, she had been waiting for an hour all alone. We had to split up in different directions to find her. It didn't take too long and she was still smiling. Whew!

Tuesday night was really special.  We went out "on splits" with the APs (assistants to the President) and Elder Mello took us to two less active homes. We had a beautiful experience with both families and the spirit testified of Christ and his true gospel. I felt a whoosh from head to toe as I testified of the power of prayer and taking our problems to the Lord (in Spanish by the way- yes it's coming back). This experience has been the highlight of our weeks. One family invited us  - yes invited us - to a ward activity on Friday! We are looking forward to going!

Last night, Wednesday, the 12th of June, was our one week anniversary in Puerto Rico! We were honored to be invited to the testimony meeting with the Mission President's family and all the missionaries going home. It was powerful to hear testimony after testimony of how these young missionary lives had changed and their knowledge of a living Savior, the power of the atonement, and the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. It was a perfect "one week anniversary" treat.

ahhhhh - life is beautiful. I saw my first COLORFUL huge parrot fly past our window this morning.

1 comment:

  1. Is that George and Kathy Stecker in the picture of missionaries? They're from Yakima! What a small world! She's the daughter of the Stake President that sent Doug on his mission. Great pictures!
